These planning themes will organize the needs, opportunities, and strategies to help to guide local communities toward resiliency for low and high water levels.
The region has implemented effective strategies to enhance the economic vibrancy of our shoreline communities while protecting the ecosystem services and functions that sustain us all. The strategies reflect a shared commitment among individuals, communities, and regional/state partners to prepare for and respond to fluctuating water levels in Lake Ontario.
Planning Themes
· Improve our collective understanding and communication of coastal processes and impacts of climate change on Lake Ontario.
· Protect public health and safety including the most vulnerable members of our communities
· Protect and maintain the unique natural systems across our shoreline region
· Guide land use decisions and remedial measures with an understanding of dynamic shoreline and coastal processes
· Enable our region to continue as an attractive destination for water-based recreation and cultural events
· Protect community investment in wastewater and water infrastructure
· Protect public and private investments in the built environment